Putera Sampoerna Foundation is a social business institution that has a vision and mission to provide opportunities for Indonesia's young generation, aspiring national leaders, to improve the quality of their lives through access to quality education. With choices in their own hands, the opportunities offered are in the form of educational assistance funds to outstanding students from disadvantaged families. The application of the concept of educational assistance provided by the PSF certainly refers to the fact of education in Indonesia which turns out there are as many as 1.8 million children having to drop out of school. In addition, there were only 18% of students studying at school, who were able to continue their education to a higher level. Another fact states that there are more than 50% of the total number of teachers who have qualified under the standard set. While the data released by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) states that Indonesia will be in the top 15 as a country with a large economy in the next decade, even predicted the seventh largest in the world by 2020. However, qualified human resources are appropriate with the higher needs of the company not directly proportional. Thus the level of foreign workers entering Indonesia will increase. However, actually wouldn't we be more proud if this country was led by the leaders of his own country? Of course all of that starts from education and access to better education in order to print superior human resources in the future. If the concept of educational aid has never existed and we only rely on charitable donations and donations, only a few of the recipients of donations contribute back to this nation and country, then what is the fate of the younger generation of other prosperous families? Therefore, the PSF seeks to alleviate these problems through programs that have been made. Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) was established in 2001 and is known as a pure philanthropic organization. In 2010, PSF transformed into a social business organization. With this transformation came questions and statements from the public, including negative news about the concept of PSF education assistance funds in a writing on one of the blog media (Kompasiana) and the online community of Kaskus which is currently circulating on the internet. This problem stems from an article by Mr. Baska Utama on Sunday (05/19/2014) and which revealed a number of statements and inaccurate information about the activities of the Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF), in connection with the National Student Cooperative (KSB), Academy. Students of the International Nation (ASBI) and International Student University (USBI). Thus, PSF feels it is important to provide actual information for Kompasiana readers and members of the Kaskus community. Putera Sampoerna Foundation is an independent foundation and is a CSR operator that runs a social business and operates with partners as donors. PSF is engaged in education and aims to improve the quality and access of education in Indonesia. Since 2005, Mr. Putera Sampoerna has sold company shares PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. to PT Philip Morris Indonesia. Since then, Mr. Putera Sampoerna has focused on conducting social activities or giving back to Indonesia through the establishment of the Putera Sampoerna Foundation. Therefore, Putera Sampoerna Foundation does not and therefore is not a foundation or legal entity that has business activities related to tobacco use and use. When it was founded, the PSF did provide scholarship funds to outstanding Indonesian students. Not only intended for students who excel, but also for outstanding students who also come from pre-prosperous families. This is done in the hope that there will be the creation of Indonesian inspirational figures who can contribute to this country for the progress of the nation and the country. However, in its realization, only a few of the recipients of the scholarship funds were willing to contribute to this nation and country. This thought arose when they argued that obtaining educational scholarships was the right of every outstanding student, but the essence of obtaining these scholarships tended to be neglected, namely the return of contributions to the nation and the state. Armed with ten years of experience as a pure philanthropic organization that provides scholarship funds, the PSF has now changed its organizational objectives and the concept of its tuition assistance. The concept of education costs that is now applied by the FSP is education collateral without collateral (student assistance). The terms and concepts of unsecured education grants are still common to some Indonesians and cause many misunderstandings. The change in PSF from giving scholarships to tuition assistance is a refinement of the concept of providing assistance to more national children through education in order to get a better Indonesia. Therefore, a concept that creates continuity for the progress of this country is needed, and PSF always promotes this concept through various mediums. Putera Sampoerna Foundation believes that the key to creating high caliber future leaders so that the occurrence of a social transformation and economic development of a nation can occur through education. For this reason, a "Sampoerna School System" was formed, an educational journey that will guide students to achieve a glorious future starting from high school education, lectures to get a good career. During and after their educational journey they are guided by understanding the values ​​of leadership, entrepreneurship and social responsibility. We believe that to be the nation's superior successor the journey of education must start from high school with the International Nation Student Academy, a high school international standard boarding school, then to a higher education or university level to complete the educational journey with the International Nation Student University; then in order to ensure that students can contribute back to society, this educational journey is also supported by the Siswa Bangsa Cooperative, which completes this entire educational journey. After graduating from the International Nations Student Academy, Putera Sampoerna Foundation ensured that these students obtained high-quality education. Therefore, through the Siswa Bangsa Cooperative, the Putera Sampoerna Foundation provides educational assistance in the form of unsecured loans to help students continue their higher education at the university. In order to continue to obtain quality and international standard education and continue the values ​​instilled in the Sampoerna School System, students are given the opportunity to continue their higher education at the University of the Nation International Students, and this opportunity is not compulsion at all. The recipients of educational assistance funds, directly become members of the Koperasi Siswa Bangsa (KSB), a cooperative formed for members consisting of students and alumni from the Sampoerna School System. This professionally managed cooperative aims to provide a continuous, full support system for members to gain access to quality education and the opportunity to get a good career. KSB guides and ensures the development of students and alumni in order to achieve their primary goals during their educational journey and during the period of their career . Refunds for educational assistance are made after students have completed their education and have adapted to the world of work. In other words, during the education period, students do not need to worry about the cost of education and the contribution. The return of education assistance is done through the Siswa Bangsa Cooperative, so that it becomes a revolving fund that will later be used as an educational aid for the next generation who also want to get quality education. The refund process can be paid in installments in accordance with the agreement with the KSB through prior deliberation in good faith and based on the principle of family. Putera Sampoerna Foundation believes that with the guidance of the KSB, students will be guided to get the opportunity to get a good career, according to their interests and that can give him the opportunity to make a contribution back to the nation and country he loves. Through the concept of student assistance, PSF believes that there will be more generations of young achievers from pre-prosperous families who can be helped to become reliable individuals who are ready to face global challenges. The recipients of the education assistance fund will receive financial assistance which includes living expenses, accommodation, and other educational costs such as the cost of books and research. To create a system that continues, PSF cannot always depend on charitable donations and donations. Therefore, the concept of education assistance funds needs to be applied. The opportunity provided by the PSF is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to improve the quality of life of Indonesia's young generation. The opportunities provided by the PSF are unique and different opportunities from other institutions in Indonesia. The Sampoerna Foundation can only provide an opportunity for the younger generation Indonesia, but the final choice is in their hands. Their future and the Indonesian nation are in the hands of these young generations. The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is always open and offers opportunities for the public to have direct discussions about the Putera Sampoerna Foundation, the concept of educational assistance funds, and programs in the education system, namely ASBI, USBI and KSB. For further information, please contact Putera Sampoerna Foundation Jakarta, May 19 2014
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