Writing Award Winners Announcement PSF Getaway 2014

Putera Sampoerna Foundation has a vision to print prospective future leaders and reliable Indonesian entrepreneurs to face global challenges. Putera Sampoerna Foundation believes that the key to creating high caliber future leaders in producing a social transformation can be formed through education. For this reason, an educational journey was formed which aims to guide the young generation of Indonesia to grow into a high caliber leader with a person who is sensitive to the social environment and has a global mindset. The Sampoerna School System is a journey of education that applies world-class education to Indonesia's young generation from kindergarten to high school level. The learning process in this education system is to implement STEM-based education (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) that can develop the character of students to become high-caliber leaders. Sampoerna School System believes that STEM-based education is one of the keys to developing students' skills for critical thinking, perseverance, and perseverance so that they are qualified to solve real problems. The introduction of the STEM-based education concept to media partners and bloggers was carried out by the Putera Sampoerna Foundation in early December in the "2014 PSF Getaway" activity. Seeing the enthusiasm of media partners and bloggers on the topic, Putera Sampoerna Foundation took the initiative to hold the 2014 PSF Getaway Writing Award entitled "Sampoerna Schools System: Preparation Ahead of Global Competition" which was open to participants of the event. After receiving a paper from a media colleague and blogger, on December 30, 2014, two winners from the 2014 Smooth PSF Getaway Award Competition were determined, namely:
  1. Media : Hendry Roris - Gatra Title : Metode Belajar Penghasil Manusia Berkualitas Link : http://www.gatra.com/ekonomi-1/107336-metode-belajar-penghasil-manusia-berkualitas.html
  2. Blogger : Erry Andriyati – Bibi Titi Teliti Title : Let’s Have A Dream Link : http://erryandriyati.blogdetik.com/2014/12/15/lets-have-a-dream/

Putera Sampoerna Foundation hopes that this competition will inspire the media and other bloggers to voice concern about education in Indonesia through writing to the wider community in Indonesia, in order to build a better generation of Indonesian people.

Note: Announcement of the winner's decision is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the 2014 PSF Getaway Writing Award competition that are absolute and inviolable.

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