Guru Binar is a platform for teacher career development through comprehensive training and various holistic, integrated, and systematic professional development initiatives. Our aim is to enhance teacher training access by pr...
July 12, 2023
Lighthouse School Program (LSP) is established to assist under-performed schools to be quality schoo...
Teacher Learning Center Program strives to equalize the quality of teachers and school management, w...
June 16, 2023
May 16, 2023
The Industrial Engineering (IE) program at Sampoerna University is proud to announce the induction o...
May 8, 2023
Sampoerna University’s Industrial Engineering (IE) students have once again demonstrated their acade...
May 2, 2023
Accelerating development in rural areas is an essential key to driving Indonesia’s economic growth....
April 26, 2023
Our interim head of the Industrial Engineering (IE) Sampoerna University Study Program, Anak Agung N...
Sampoerna University is delighted to report its successful participation in the 2nd International Sy...
April 17, 2023
Buleleng – The Covid-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on education in Indonesia, with the shift...